Arbitration Testimony

I just finished sitting in and testifying in a 4 day Arbitration. As a Forensic Scientist in Floor Failures, I was asked how I can be a Scientist if I don’t have a degree in science. I explained that Forensic Science is the accumulation of evidence, both written and tested for in your field if expertise, which is not a science.
I was asked to evaluate the testimony of percipient witnesses and others who claimed to be expert in flooring. None of these witnesses produced either empirical or practical evidence to make their claim. The Arbitrator left it up to me to provide the data that was the foundation for the conditions presented in the litigation, because I was the only real Floor Covering Expert in the process.
It is particularly important that expert witnesses do no espouse to be expert in areas that are beyond their initial scope of testimony. My client, Capshaw and Associates, was particularly please when I presented a complete summary of my findings and the business conditions when the Arbitrator asked me for my views.

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