Floor failure in the gym

We are involved in a sports and recreation center. There is Solid Maple, Vinyl Composite Tile, and Carpet on the floors. The site is 4 years old, but the building opened 8 months ago. The wood flooring is showing early signs of expansion, and the VCT is de-bonding.   The evidence is that moisture vapor…


Ken, Shortly before the holidays, we replaced the 4 flights of failing stair treads with Nora Norament stair treads. Aside from a slight hiccup with post-installation cleaning which we resolved after the first day, the stairs are performing quite well after 6 weeks of use. Thank you for your help with this. I am certain…

Wood Flooring Expert

As wood flooring experts, we are involved in a wood flooring case that revolves around the degree of damage to a solid oak floor. Heavy furniture was rolled over the floor, without protection, leaving furrows in the surface. When is it too late to refinish the wood?   The investigation of a floor that is…

Slip & Fall in a super market

Viewing “Sweep Sheets” is part of the forensic science of slip & fall in supermarkets. As slip & fall experts, we look at what makes a floor safe or unsafe.  We have handled investigations in Wal*Marts, Targets, Ralphs, Vons, Safeway, and others.   The traditional slip meter tests are no longer accepted as scientifically valid,…

Slip on ceramic tile

I was just deposed in a slip & fall case. The site was a restaurant floor. I discussed the presence of contaminants on a ceramic tile floor. There are differences in surface textures and how they combine with air-bourn heavy particulates. If a facility is near a heavily trafficked street or freeway, is likely that…

Floor Covering Expert

In 2010, we handled failures of Rubber Flooring, Vinyl Composite Tile, Carpet, Wood Flooring, and Dimensional Stone. In each case there were expectations of material performance that did not match up to generally accepted norms. The carpet, that was used in a very high traffic location had too much yard, and compressed further then expected….

Slip and Fall

Slip & Fall Expert. We have been working  a case involving supermarket floors and the store management’s responsibilities to keep evidence. It is not good enough to say we lost the video. The courts have been hard on supermarkets that loose photos and videos.